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Nonprofit Fraud Prevention and Detection in Minnesota


Are you a nonprofit leader or board member looking for help understanding the alarming trend of nonprofit fraud and theft? Has your organization experienced nonprofit fraud or theft? Legal for Good is here to assist you. With many years of experience supporting nonprofits, we understand the warning signs behind nonprofit theft as well as common patterns of hiding fraud.

An image showing a connection in locating nonprofit fraud in Minneapolis, MN

What is Nonprofit Theft and Fraud?


Nonprofit fraud is any type of deception committed by an individual within or associated with your organization. Fraud can be achieved by insiders stealing money from transactions, employee theft, misappropriation of funds by a treasurer or other officer, misclassifying expenditures in financial software to hide the true nature of those expenses, check tampering, and more. Whereas nonprofit theft most frequently involves cash assets, it can also include physical goods stolen from the organization such as supplies or in-kind donations.


Nonprofit fraud and theft are incredibly serious. Understanding what constitutes unethical or illegal activity is critical to preventing it from occurring within your organization. Legal For Good provides help with preventative measures as well as guidance about responding when something does occur.  We can also advise you on how to create tight internal controls and implement preventative measures to mitigate risks and keep track of assets. We’ll provide expert guidance so you can ensure that your valuable resources and donations are protected.


Be Proactive and Diligent:


Detecting issues early is often the best way to protect your organization. Legal For Good can help you with more than just legal advice and representation—we work hard to track down missing monies, prepare complaints for transmission to local law enforcement or other charity regulators, and educate our clients to better understand nonprofit fraud and theft so that those nonprofit leaders can fulfill their duty of care to the organizations in which they serve.


Get peace of mind knowing that your nonprofit's security is in good hands. Get in touch with one of our team members in Minneapolis, MN, to start learning about nonprofit fraud. Visit our about page to learn more about who we are and how we can help you.

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